Decadence is an Independent band and does all promotion DIY style. If you want to follow up on what’s been happening since the release of the latest album ‘SIX TAPE’ here is a summary of the Facebook activities. Like our page to keep up with the latest happenings!

❗️This Thursday 1PM EST / 7PM CET❗️ Grab the chance to win a physical copy of SIX TAPE! Metal Messiah Radio will air Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE Special Show with a full CD showcase and CD giveaways in the chat room during the show! Kitty will be there and talk about the meanings behind the songs 🤘👇👇
Listen here:
Chat here:
#decadencesweden #sixtape #davesoftee METAL MELTDOWN ON METAL MESSIAH RADIO
🤘🤘Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer 🤘🤘
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Aight, here is my new Drum Playthrough video of the song “Red Façade Hotel” by Decadence Sweden. This song is taken from the latest album I recorded with them “Six Tape” . And again, my thrash drumming is influenced by Mr John Tempesta . He is my main Thrash drummer hero.
Well, I hope you guys like the video. And as always, Like, Share and Subscribe to all my social media.
#decadencesweden #thrasher #thrashmetal #thrash #thrashmetalband #drummer #drummerlife #drummers #thrashdrumming #thrashdrummer #thrashdrummers #meinl #meinlcymbals #purealloy #promark #promarkdrumsticks #promarktx2sw #evans #evansdrumheads #evansdrumhead #theperkeles #batera #bateras #bateraclube #bateria #baterias #fisk #fiskshot @fiskshot Crafton Musik AB #craftonmusikab
Meinl Cymbals We Love Meinl ProMark Scandinavia Promark Evans Drumheads Scandinavia Evans Drumheads Pearl Drums Europe Pearl Drums
We’ve reached the final deep-dive into the lyrics! In the song ‘Tighter’ we question leaders who stopped working for genuine passion and instead went for prestige and careers. And the followers, who stopped thinking and taking responsibility and instead are blindly following orders. This is a time when we should start speaking our minds. Leading is a difficult task, and questioning decisions also requires strength. But, the way to grow is not by doing things the way they have always been done, or in a way that does not seem right, whether it is technically, morally, unequally etc., to the people executing it. However, it has to be done in order to develop in a way that’s far more rooted with people in mind, not to lose humanity and reason into why things are actually done.
We hope you enjoyed these little stories behind the lyrics! If you’d like to hear Metallic Kitty talk about them, tune in on Metal Messiah Radio on March 12, more info here: and to read all deep-dives in one place, check them out here:
Grab the chance to win a physical copy of SIX TAPE! ❗️On March 12❗️ Metal Messiah Radio will air a Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE Special Show with a full CD showcase and CD giveaways in the chat room during the show! Save the date 🤘👇👇
Listen here:
Chat here:
#decadencesweden #sixtape #davesoftee METAL MELTDOWN ON METAL MESSIAH RADIO
March 3 2020 · Metallic Kitty ·

Yeah, this just happened!
✅ The Generations Army
✅ SkogsRÅrocken Festival (SWE) July 24.
#thegenerationsarmy #tga #metallickitty #decadencesweden
March 2 2020 · Metallic Kitty ·

💣💥 Breaking news! I will be doing a full show guest appearance for Thrashers The Generations Army in July at the festival SkogsRÅrocken in Sweden. Get over there, this is going to be WILD! 🤘👇👇
#thegenerationsarmy #tga #metallickitty #decadencesweden

🚨📻🎙 The final segment for the season of Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE takes place today on Metal Messiah Radio and David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown. This is the time for the Underground to shine, don’t miss out! The four bands selected for today’s show are: Phrenetix, Kazjurol, Sanctrum and Mason Official!
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Feb 27
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The chat room is open during the show:
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Erik Fejfar, Jimmy Wistrand, the guys in Sanctrum, Tor Olav Pedersen
and all other taggers, for introducing us to these great bands!
Thanks for listening this season and for pushing for your favorite Underground bands to be aired on the show!
DIY or DIE! 😁
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

Thursday Feb 27 is Metallic Kitty‘s final BACKSTAGE segment on Metal Messiah Radio for this season! If you want her to present your favorite Underground bands don’t forget to TAG them here today 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #metallickitty #davesoftee #metalmessiahradio

🚨 DIY Zone!! 🤘🚧 Support your favorite Underground bands: TAG ‘EM ALL in the comments (Thrash, Crossover, Speed and Death Metal). On Thursday, four bands will be introduced live by Metallic Kitty on her BACKSTAGE segment on Metal Messiah Radio on February 27, 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET. SHARE & TAG!

French Headbanger Zone is a radio show with Hard, Heavy, Death, Thrash, Black, Grind, Stoner, Folk and all kinds of METAL for you. They support the Underground so we support them! Find us on their show # 266! Available on Soundcloud or simply download the whole broadcast 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

RMHO is a one stop promotions site with connections all over. A great place to find killer underground metal bands. Thanks for introducing Decadence! 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

UK-based The Autopsy Report Rock & Metal Radio Show with DJ Hellwyck, broadcasts daily on different worldwide stations and supports Independent bands like us. Thanks for playing SIX TAPE on show #814!
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! When artificial life takes over our natural ways, the way to reach balance is to look back at the raw and pure. Nature is a guideline when making new decisions, whether it comes to environmental issues or personal wellbeing. 🌿
#decadencesweden #sixtape

UK-based Metalmouth Radio Show is airing SIX TAPE today and we quote them “One of our favourite tracks of 2020, so far.” 🥳 Wednesdays on 105.6FM and TuneIn & Dean Radio apps on smartphone and smart speaker, or tune in here 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Metal Inc. community is sharing everything and anything on Heavy Metal and they gave SIX TAPE a boost! A page to follow 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

SIX TAPE has reached Japan! Now for sale at Disk unionお茶の水Hard Rock Heavy Metal館 along with the full Decadence catalog (including the long since sold out ‘Chargepoint’ as well as ‘3rd Stage of Decay’ in the Japanese special editions). Available here 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

European Metal Channel a source to discover Metal bands from Europe. They just added Decadence on their “Best European Metal Bands” list for the Nov releases. Thanks! 💯
#decadencesweden #sixtape
We have a SIX TAPE Drum Playthrough video by our battery master Lawrence Dinamarca 🤘!! Get ready to THRAASH!
Follow Lawrence on:
Facebook: Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer
Instagram: @lawrence_dinamarca_drummer
Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer ·
Are you ready for some THRASH! Aight, the wait is over. Here is my new Drum Playthrough video of the song “Six Tape” by @decadencesweden .
It’s been an honour to have recorded their two latest albums, Undergrounder and Six Tape, and now share with you my drumming on this video.
You might even hear that my thrash drumming is influenced by Mr John Tempesta . He is my main Thrash drummer hero.
Well, I hope you guys like the video.
And as always, Like, Share and Subscribe to all my social media’s.
#decadencesweden #thrasher #thrashmetal #thrash #thrashmetalband #drummer #drummerlife #drummers #thrashdrumming #thrashdrummer #thrashdrummers #meinl #meinlcymbals #purealloy #promark #promarkdrumsticks #promarktx2sw #evans #evansdrumheads #evansdrumhead #theperkeles #batera #bateras #bateraclube #bateria #baterias #fisk #fiskshot Crafton Musik AB #craftonmusikab Meinl Cymbals We Love Meinl ProMark Scandinavia Promark
Evans Drumheads Scandinavia Pearl Drums Europe Pearl Drums

Thanks for being here Decaheads, we love ya!

🚨 Metallic Kitty’s BACKSTAGE is on air today! 📻🎙 A radio sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based Metal Messiah Radio with David Softee Kletzel and Metallic Kitty. Four bands have been selected from Decadence DIY Zone to get an intro and airtime on today’s show:
Mortillery, Death Decline, Asphaltator and GEOSTYGMA!
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Feb 13
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The chat room is open during the show! (Go to Metal Messiah Radio and click MMR CHAT in the left menu)
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Fab Legué, Fabrizio Livi, James Chancé, Matthieu Lelievre, Ruslan
Kovalchuk and all other taggers, for introducing us to these great
Support the Underground!
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

Cutting Edge Metal update their Spotify playlist every week on Fridays with new Metal releases! Follow the news here 👇
Thanks guys for mentioning us as the Undergrounder on your list!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Help your favorite Underground bands get some exposure this Thursday on Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE segment on Metal Messiah Radio 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #metallickitty

The Local Metal Scene‘s mission is to seek out and find local – independent – underground metal bands that the majority of people have never of heard of before. They found Decadence and we’re very grateful for that!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

🚨 DIY Zone!! 🤘🚧 TAG A BAND in the comments. Thrash, Crossover, Speed and Death Metal. And remember, it must be Underground! 4 bands will be aired and get an introduction by Metallic Kitty on her BACKSTAGE segment on Metal Messiah Radio on Feb 13. SHARE & TAG! #decadencesweden

Brazilian Coletivo La Migra supports Independent & Underground bands like us and does a lot for the scene. Thanks for sharing guys!
#decadence #sixtape

Metalheads Local 666 Union – The International Brotherhood of Headbanging, Slamdancing, Satan Worshipping and General Mayhem… 😁Thanks for introducing Decadence to your Metalheads! A page to follow!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Metallic Kitty’s BACKSTAGE is on air today! 📻🎙 A radio sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based Metal Messiah Radio with David Softee Kletzel and Metallic Kitty. The DIY Zone that was introduced at Decadence Sweden
keeps growing with more and more bands getting tagged! Four more bands
have been selected to get some airtime on on today’s show:
Damage SFP, No Raza, Perpetual Warfare and DPS – Damage Per Second
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Feb 6
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well! (Go to Metal Messiah Radio and click MMR CHAT in the left menu)
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Ruslan Kovalchuk, Sergio Sagros and the guys in No Raza and DPS for introducing us to these great bands!
Support the Underground!
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

World Of Metal had some questions to Metallic Kitty in an interview! They are an all-in-one, webzine, radio, books and even TV, community. All heavy and alternative music in the same place. A project made by music fans for music fans – Just the way we like it!
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! This song is our standpoint on the intellectual property question. We share all our songs and creative work for free. If someone reposts it, we will back it up. If someone wants to show us financial support, go ahead by buying our albums or merch. That will help us make more albums. We reach our peak, non-commercialized, with means that are clean. YOU are the army that will lead it all to victory. 👊
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Metal Nation Radio just added SIX TAPE into rotation! 🔁 They stream Heavy Metal 24-7. With over 50 years of combined experience, they connect their listeners to favorite genres and bands and introduce them to new and exciting talent. A page to follow if you ask us!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Heavy Metal OTD Underground & Metal Promotion is behind an interactive global UnderWorld map. Get in there and pin your or your favorite Underground band! 🗺👇👇

Just how it feels. 👊 #decadencesweden #sixtape

Quench your thirst like after singing Decadence songs, it’s Friday! Have a nice weekend Decaheads! 🤘 #decadencesweden

The Metal Mates community slogan is “Metal unites us all” and their mission is even better. If you don’t already like their page, we suggest you do! Thanks for sharing SIX TAPE! 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Los Angeles-based Heavy Metal Hitman is a true example of what the Underground needs! Thanks for introducing us to your community! And we agree, share the Metal! 🤘👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Spanish Sembradomuerte/Autoblack666 is a database of music videos, by Metal genre. Follow the page to keep up with vids from everywhere. Thanks for adding Six Tape there! 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Greek Web radio Metal Entropia set their frequency on SIX TAPE 📻📡 and also shared a nice presentation on their page. Thanks guys!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Last but not least… remember the guy with the neon yellow guitar? He who played with us live for one show before we had to get into cryogenics for a while after ‘Chargepoint’? Oh and he also played that solo on ‘Latex Rituals’? Yeah, it’s him!
He will help us out live for a little while (we hope longer, but he’s a busy man). He asks how less is more there, let us tell you man, less is more when you come with the little time you have left and make our music complete!
#decadencesweden #solarguitars #bareknucklepickups

Druuums…. You know him by now, and we’re very happy that he agreed to help us out, not only on ‘Undergrounder’ and ‘Six Tape’ but also live! The one and the only…
He has so much experience and comes with great ideas to make the drums best possible for our music. We are very happy to have you thrashing with us live too, Lawrence!
#decadencesweden #thrashmetal on #drums. #meinl #meinlcymbals #meinlpurealloy #promark #promarkdrumstick #promarkdrumsticks #evans #evansdrumhead #evansdrumheads #theperkeles #drummer #drummerlife #drummersofinstagram #ijustwanttoplay #thrashmetaldrummer

We confirm that the pic we posted from our rehearsal last week is indeed Decadence new LIVE LINE-UP 🤘 You all know Kenneth Lantz and Metallic Kitty by now so during the coming days we’ll introduce you to the new faces that will be joining us on stage. First up, say hello to…
Well, just look at the man’s favorite bands there…! Not to mention his advice, something Decadence lives and breathes by. We are very happy to have you on board, welcome in! #decadencesweden #bassplayer #live

Metallic Kitty’s BACKSTAGE is on air today! 📻🎙 A radio sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based Metal Messiah Radio with David Softee Kletzel and Metallic Kitty. Earlier this week, Decadence Sweden
introduced our DIY Zone. Fans were urged to tag an Underground band.
Four bands were selected to get some airtime on on today’s show:
Lowest Creature, CRITICAL MESS, The Offering and LÝSIS
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Jan 23
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well!
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Blonta, Daniel Lopez, Jimmy Rockit, Isabell Hag and Viktor Åsen for introducing us to these great bands!
Support the Underground!
Metal Messiah Radio #MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

Brazilian Thrash Metal Releases is a community sharing everything and anything within Thrash Metal. Follow them to keep up 🤘
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Czech Hard Music Base is a database of the hard & heavy music scene. They gave SIX TAPE a nice 8/10 score 🤘
Actually, they’ve given all our albums the same high score except Undergrounder! The Czechs are hard and we like it, makes us fight for it! 😁
Here is a re-post of another hard Czech review that was published earlier by Metal Forever & Metal Man Web Zine
#decadencesweden #sixtape

We’re introducing our DIY Zone 🤘🚧 First up – TAG A BAND within Thrash, Crossover, Speed and Death Metal. Can be your own or simply your favorite band, as long as it’s Underground! We’ll draw 3 bands to get some airtime on Metallic Kitty‘s Backstage segment on Metal Messiah Radio. TAG TAG TAG! #decadencesweden

Metal minded is a community for fans by fans where everyone can share Metal and support the scene! Thanks for posting our self-titled track guys!🤘👇👇

French Spirit of Metal Webzine have been spreading the word about us for years. They are a big metal and rock encyclopedia reporting about pretty much everything involving the heavy scene. Six Tape needs some more voting it seems! But apparently Chargepoint is a fave over there!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

American BallBuster Babes gives Metallic Kitty a boost and had some questions answered in an interview! More about influences, vocals, the Underground, hair… found here 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #metallickitty
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! When life has offered you a taste of something extraordinary, it makes it hard to go back. Things just don’t seem to be good enough anymore. The need for that second taste gets overwhelming at times. To find new grounds of satisfaction makes that craving a driver to reach goals, instead of the actual needs at hand. Depending on what this ‘something more’ is, you must decide on how much it is controlling your life and if you should break free of it, untie yourself and resynchronize, or to go for it, take it, and do it all the way. 🎭
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Here’s a short clip of us rehearsing SIX TAPE last weekend! Well, an angle at least! 👇😁
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Greek Metal Temple Magazine gives us the best review as of yet! 10/10! 🏆💯 Here is their slogan “When you think of Metal, think of Metal Temple.” …and that’s exactly what we’ll do after reading this! Thanks guys! 🤘
#decadencesweden #sixtape

A good time to quote Neil Peart: “If you’ve got a problem, take it out on a drum”. In Decadence, Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer is “The Chaotic” as it should be! 🤘💥 #decadencesweden #undergrounder #sixtape

Rehearsal’s over and now we move forward together! Stay tuned! #decadencesweden

Greek Metal Released community helps getting the word out on new Underground releases mainly within Death, Black and Grindcore. Follow the page to keep up! Here’s what they had to say about SIX TAPE 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

“At the bar, solo tour at Geronimo’s. All dressed in black!” Have a nice Friday all you Lo’s 🍻 #decadencesweden #sixtape

Canadian The Metal Crypt Magazine has published an in-depth interview with Metallic Kitty on the full story of Decadence. Something you diehard Decaheads will probably find interesting! 👇👇👇
Their review of Six Tape earlier gave it a stunning 4.25 of 5:
Here is a greeting from us for their 20th year anniversary:
Support the Underground!
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Guess what? Decadence will be BACK IN REHEARSAL this weekend! 🤘While you wait for more details, enjoy this clip 😄 #decadencesweden

Female fronted rock and metal revolution community started the year with a bumper 20 track #spotifyplaylist update. ‘Latex Rituals’ is there along with a refreshing boost of amazon power. 👇👇👇
ecadencesweden #sixtape

Hungarian Rattle Inc. heavy metal magazin shared their editorial team’s top-10 albums 2019. Six Tape is there! 🤘 Thanks for the support guys!
Here’s an interview with Metallic Kitty from 2018 for this magazine (also available in Hungarian):
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Keep calm and surf the new wave. 🏄♂️

The December stream report just arrived!
The city that blasted Decadence the most in the world is…
Thank you for streaming and supporting us!
Maybe your city will be the next “St(r)eam City of The Month”! #decadencesweden

Spotify playlists for the gym are gathering up! Here are some that include our songs and other heavy tunes. Keep ’em coming guys! 🤘💪
🥊Thrash Metal Workout:
🥊Bronx Gym:
🥊Heavy Workout:
🥊Gym Bangers:
🥊Nirres Gym Lista:
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! A new character of Decadence is born. Lo hangs out with The Inner Circle in the frozen city. A vagabond where every place is home. Living on the edge with a thrill delight, to rule and own the night. Lo has experienced the rise and fall. Feels like the world has outgrown its basic need and seeks comfort in being on the road. 🍻🌃♠️

We will start off this new little year with a podcast interview! Don’t miss Metallic Kitty at Washington D.C. area -based METAL-O-MANIA 🇺🇸 with THE CRYPT – today!
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Wed Jan 1, 8PM EST.
Episode # 149
#metalomania #thecrypt #skully #metallickitty #decadencesweden #sixtape

2019 for Decadence was a year of composing, writing lyrics, rehearsing, rehearsing more, recording, producing, drawing artwork, creating lyric videos and releasing digitally and physically while spreading the word out on what was compiled into a full-length album called ‘Six Tape’. This year for us has been the essence of what it means to be DIY. It has been a true pleasure to have our army of diehard fans with us as well as Underground media, fanzines and all. All of you who have stood by our side ever since the start 16 years ago, but also all of you new ones who discovered Decadence through ‘Six Tape’. You all help us grow, to become better musicians and people and you are also the ones making it possible for us to keep doing what we love. Being Independent comes with its challenges, it makes us walk the extra mile, but we will keep fighting for what we believe in as long as you are in it with us.
Thank you for all your support!
Happy New Year from Decadence! 🎉
“Independent, unrepentant.
Six – for the kick, not the fame or cash.
No restrictions, free expressions.
Six – for the hard way, done by hand.”
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Storm into the new year with this mindset. Oh it works. Just forward to 3:00 into this song to be convinced too! 🤘 Thraaash!
#decadencesweden #undergrounder

This guy is our ‘Undergrounder’ and ‘Six Tape’ battery master Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer 🤘
On ‘Six Tape’: “Well, you guys probably already know that I’m the one
behind the drums on this album. I really love playing good old Thrash,
with a modern twist. And I’m very honoured to have been asked to record
the drums on this masterpiece. Have a listen and tell me what you guys
think! I also want to mention my main drum influence and hero, in the
Thrash genre, Mr John Tempesta. It’s because of him I sound like I do, when I play.” Listen to the full album here 👇👇👇
#thrashmetal on #drums. #meinl #meinlcymbals #meinlpurealloy #promark #promarkdrumstick #promarkdrumsticks #evans #evansdrumhead #evansdrumheads #drummer #drummerlife #drummersofinstagram #ijustwanttoplay #thrashmetaldrummer #johntempesta #decadencesweden #sixtape Photo cred: Timjan Wall

Mexican Old Tendencies Thrash is a community mainly supporting Thrash Metal, digging up old-school bands and supporting emerging new wave bands. Big horns up for having SIX TAPE listed! Keep up the great work guys! 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Ukrainian Antichrist Metalzine has shared their editorial team’s top-10 albums 2019. Guess which one is there! 🤘 Thanks for the support guys!
Here’s the interview Metallic Kitty did for this magazine last month:
#decadencesweden #sixtape
The intro of one of the tracks on our red album is played on an ancient instrument normally used in Croatian folk music. It’s a lead instrument, called a Prim. This particular one is around 100 years old and has been in the Saric family for all this time, and Kenneth Lantz mastered to play it for this song. Enjoy and we hope you’re having red seasonal holidays! #decadencesweden 👇👇👇

Metal siXmas everyone! 🤘🎅
#decadencesweden #sixtape

One more day until siXmas! 🤘🎄
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Venezuelan Cresta Metalica Productions has shared an impressive list of the most prominant female musicians of 2019. We are happy to see Metallic Kitty on there, in nothing less than the extreme corner! 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Found this little phone sketch dated a bit more than a year after the ‘Undergrounder’ release. The name was there, maybe not the font 🎨😁 #decadencesweden #sixtape

If carrying an Independent band is heavy – get a stronger back! #decadencesweden #metallickitty #heavydose

Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE is a radio sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio. 📻🎙On today’s show, you’ll hear some of her hand-picked New Wave Thrash and Heavy Metal from the Swedish Underground. You will all be introduced to The Generations Army, Dii Minores and Reignsaw.
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Dec 18
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well!
You can listen through freakin Winamp even!
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Rockpodden and Henke Brannerydh
Metal Messiah Radio #MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

We’ve gotten many six pics sent to us and it’s awesome! Here are the first few thanks to Decaheads: 🇺🇸 Patrick Colwell 🇨🇭 Alex Meyer 🇫🇷 Marcel Fabio 🇯🇵 Takashi Nagao 🇨🇦 Jesse Woodward 🇺🇸 David Softee Kletzel 🇫🇷 Axel Kriptyde 🇦🇺 Jimmy Francis 🇵🇹 Luis Neves 🇸🇪 Daniel Sandler 🇸🇪 Christian Chrille Andersson and keep sending us more! #decadencesweden #sixtape

Colombian webzine Chucho Córdoba – Metal To The Bone has announced their “17 Most Significant Songs Of The Year 2019”. And there you have it exposed, our angriest little piece on the album…
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! Trinity is actually a map. Three key locations. One of which connects to Steam City. Another that holds the spot where the dreamland Red Façade Hotel is found. The nature and surroundings is described for each place. The Inner Circle also has a connection as “the frozen city” is mentioned in that song. Go get lost in Decadence… 🛤
“It comes from the depths of a place unknown to the keeper of dreams”. The first words that made Metallic Kitty an extreme singer. Thank you for the inspiration Chuck Schuldiner (Official) and Death (Official). You still inspire us to this day and are very missed.

Fighting the stream since 2003! 💥👊

Check in at some hotel and have a nice Friday, Decaheads! #decadencesweden #sixtape

I dagens avsnitt av Rockpodden kommer Metallic Kitty på besök! Finns där poddar finns, t.ex. här 👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape #rockpodden

Happy Birthday to our Downstroke Sergeant Kenneth Lantz! 🎉🎈🎸 #decadencesweden #sixtape

Sweden Rock Magazine tack för den starka recensionen! Att ni kallar oss “Stockholms Decadence” är nästan bäst av allt. Och till jurymedlemmen som ville ha en patch, en julklapp kommer snart! 🤘 Ut och köp, in och läs: Decembernumret #12 ute nu! #decadencesweden #sixtape

Thanks for the 4000+ likes and counting! #decadencesweden

Latin American Rock/Metal Community HEADBANGERS LATINOAMERICA has compiled “The Greatest Songs of Underground Thrash Metal 2019”. SIX TAPE is there and so we quote them: “Sit down comfortably, open a bottle, and prepare your neck for a good dose of headbanging!” Thanks a lot guys for supporting the Underground!
#decadencesweden #sixtape #resumenHL

This is how to Sunday.
#decadencesweden #sixtape

“Leather and screaming guitars!” – Your guide to a successful Saturday! Kill it 👊 Kenneth Lantz fan art by talented Koregore Art!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Celebrating the sweet sixteen! 🎉 And there’s LinkedIn suggesting us to watch a free course on Mindfulness. 😆 That bad huh… probably!
Have a nice weekend Decaheads!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Metallic Kitty‘s BACKSTAGE is a radio sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio. On today’s show the spotlight shines on amazons of the Swedish Underground. You will all be introduced to 6th Awakening ( Official ), The Heard and Spiral Skies.
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Dec 5
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well!
You can listen through freakin Winamp even!
🤘 Extra horns up to:
Robert Arnlund, Mathias Harnerud, Lovisa Havtörne and Skinny Kangur
Metal Messiah Radio #MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

Canadian Underground Magazine The Metal Crypt has published a review of SIX TAPE and gave it 4.25 of 5! This magazine has reviewed our music for many years and are now celebrating their 20th year anniversary. Metallic Kitty recorded a greeting to them that can be seen here 👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

The November stream report just arrived!
The city that blasted Decadence the most in the world is…
SANTIAGO METAL FESTIVAL say the word and we’ll be there! Chilean Decaheads, tag your friends and share. Thank you for streaming and supporting us! And horns up to Blood Metal Alliance for spreading the word!
Maybe your city will be the next “St(r)eam City of The Month”! #decadencesweden
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! Red Façade Hotel is a place that exists in the Trinity. You will learn more about the Trinity in the next lyrical deep dive. The sanctuary is mentioned in that song, and that is where the hotel is found. It is a place where dreams are created. A dreamland of sorts, but allowing the dreams to turn into plans and actions, if you stay focused enough. We all need a place like this to ease back to and work on new ideas and let creativity run free. When everything else is chaos in life, find your Red Façade Hotel and gather your thoughts because there is always a way out, if you stay focused enough… 🏩

Deca-mber is here and SIX TAPE turns one month old. Available in the early Metal Xmas present The Deca Box until midnight! #decadencesweden #sixtape

Czech magazine Metal Forever & Metal Man Web Zine was not too impressed by SIX TAPE but we know they like us anyway 😉 Note to self: Kenneth Lantz: Play faster // Metallic Kitty: Play in a classical Italian movie 🤘😄
#decadencesweden #sixtape

We rarely get paid, but when we do, it could be on Black Friday!
3 FOR 2 limited offer until Sunday #decadencesweden #thedecabox #sixtape #undergrounder #3rdstageofdecay #blackfriday

Ukrainian magazine Antichrist Metalzine has published a video interview with Metallic Kitty talking about Decadence and Six Tape.
Found here 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Mentioned in this video:
Kenneth Lantz Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer Kristian Gustavsson Ruso Tsig Xentrix Carnal Forge Loch Vostok Bleeding Utopia Prosector

Today, Metal Messiah Radio is rebroadcasting Metallic Kitty‘s DJ premiere at David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio on her segment METALLIC KITTY’S BACKSTAGE.
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Wed Nov 27
Approx. 9 pm EST / 3 am CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well!
(and yeah, works through freaking Winamp too!)
On today’s show the spotlight shines on the deep Underground Thrash scene of Stockholm, Sweden – where we are from 🤘 You will all be introduced to Chainsaw, Demented and Vörgus. Mooosh!
Horns up to you guys for all the good times! Kenneth Lantz Robert Lantz Jakob Månegarm Angrepp Daniel Karlsson Kenneth Nenne Nyholm Harry Virtanen Mikke Nyholm Emil Holmgren Mario Santos-Ramos Pontus Arvidson Anders Plassgard Soile Siirtola
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty
French Underground Magazine The Metal Mag 🇫🇷 has published a review of SIX TAPE and gave it 💯/💯
#decadencesweden #sixtape

That time at the airport, when Metallic Kitty was told to open the bag… and then to quickly close the bag. 😆 Real life Latex Rituals for ya! 🤘 #decadencesweden #sixtape #tourlife

404 no more! We’ve reconstructed the DECA SHOP 💯🛠🧰 The error message on the confirmation page is gone. Sorry for the inconvenience at the SIX TAPE release.
#decadencesweden #decashop

“Dominant, rootsy and barbed!” – Your guideline for a successful Saturday! Kill it 👊 Metallic Kitty fan art by talented Koregore Art! #decadencesweden #sixtape
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! Latex Rituals is a mental reminder, a sort of totem, of a time to look back at when things start to go in the wrong direction. When you are lead off path, look back at this turning point. Sometimes, all it takes is to have something to jog the memory to remember your state of mind then and continue forward on the path you actually wanted to take. Maybe a photo, music or even a piece of shiny vinyl like for the faded star in this song.

Metallic Kitty is going to premiere as a DJ today! METALLIC KITTY’S BACKSTAGE is a sideshow supporting the best in Underground Metal Worldwide as a new segment on New York-based David Softee Kletzel‘s METAL MELTDOWN ON METAL MESSIAH RADIO. On today’s show the spotlight shines on the deep Underground Thrash scene of Stockholm, Sweden – where we are from 🤘 You will all be introduced to Chainsaw, Demented and Vörgus. Mooosh!
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Thu Nov 21
Approx. 3 pm EST / 9 pm CET
The action will be ongoing in the chat room as well!
Horns up to you guys for all the good times! Kenneth Lantz Robert Lantz Jakob Månegarm Angrepp Daniel Karlsson Kenneth Nenne Nyholm Harry Virtanen Mikke Nyholm Emil Holmgren Mario Santos-Ramos Pontus Arvidson Anders Plassgard Soile Siirtola
Metal Messiah Radio #MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #metallickitty

Tokyo-based magazine Roppongi Rocks on SIX TAPE: “It has all the parts one can love with Thrash Metal: speed, raw energy, mean riffs, fantastic melodies, aggressiveness, musical twists and a pissed-off vocalist.” and as a band “a rare quality of combining DIY, grassroots kind of Thrash Metal with a modern and professional Metal sound.”. What an energy-boost of a review this is for us! Thanks a lot! #decadencesweden #sixtape

Happy Birthday Metallic Kitty! 🎉🎂🎈
Of course SIX TAPE had to be celebrated with the big 33 😁 #decadencesweden #sixtape #metallickitty

They want more! SIX TAPE is back at Belgian Underground Radio show TOHU BOHU METAL RADIO Melodic Side on Equinoxe FM 🤘
Marc Papo Ripper will be your DJ of the eve. Show starts at 8PM CET!
Tune in at 👇
on Nov 18, 8PM CET.
#tohubohu #melodicside #equinoxefm #decadencesweden #sixtape

“A success or a mess only as long as it’s against the stream.”
– Underground by Decadence, and the albums of our return! #decadencesweden #sixtape #undergrounder

Old school Saturday! Who else own a pair of these…?! 😎
#decadencesweden #madmax #fallout #thecreature #wasteland
The SIX TAPE title track will be given a spin today at Spanish 24/7 Metal Radio Rockefort On Line along with the new singles of Ozzy Osbourne, Bon Jovi and more!
Tune in at 👇👇👇
Nov 15 non-stop Metal ‘n Rock!
Have a nice weekend Decaheads!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Perhaps a hint toward SIX TAPE…?
#decadencesweden #sixtape #undergrounder

Swedish published an interview with Metallic Kitty along with a review of SIX TAPE ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics! SIX TAPE is a tribute to all the underdogs out there. It’s for you who had to take the hard way to reach your goals. Our path is Independent, as challengers for DIY with Underground ideals. For us, the can-do mindset, the pride in creating something from scratch and the rebellious attitude to do things your own way, is the ultimate kick. That is also how we create music to inspire people to do the same. Symbolism is all in our lyrics. Thoughts, ideas, dreams and experiences, symbolic or twisted into analogies or metaphors. That is to allow you to relate to things that mean something to you. You are the alternative, the unrepentant and we want you to rise to the challenge. To do what you always wanted to do. Set your mind to it and go! #decadencesweden #sixtape

SIX TAPE is the album of the week at Belgian Underground Radio show TOHU BOHU METAL RADIO Melodic Side on Equinoxe FM 🇧🇪🤘 Some of the new tunes will be given a spin today by DJ Marc Papo Ripper. Show starts at 8PM CET!
Tune in at 👇
on Nov 11, 8PM CET.
#tohubohu #melodicside #equinoxefm #decadencesweden #sixtape

A great way to spread your tunes is by curated Spotify playlists! 🎧 Thanks (a heavy, stoner, psych/sludge low playlist that made use out of TRINITY) and Darkride (a death metal punch in the gut playlist that used EXPOSURE) for the most recent ones for SIX TAPE, that we were added to!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Some of you, at least in Europe, should have received your copies by now! Pic or it didn’t happen 😁 Post your CD’s in the comments and tag them with 👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Did you Decaheads know that Winamp is still alive? Keep calm, download it, change skin and listen to podcasts, radio stations and SIX TAPE! 🤘👾🤘
Have a nice weekend everyone!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Metallic Kitty will be joining the chat room at David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio for questions left unanswered!
Tune in / Join in / 1PM-4PM EST: 👇👇👇👇
Metal Messiah Radio #MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #metallickitty #decadencesweden #sixtape

‘Red Façade Hotel’ fresh off ‘Six Tape’ will be given a spin at METAL-O-MANIA with THE CRYPT, show starts at 8PM EST!
Tune in at 👇
on Nov 6, 8PM EST.
Chris Grant Kelli Grant #metalomania #thecrypt #skully #decadencesweden #sixtape

The October stream report just arrived aaand… The city that blasted Decadence most in the world is… our own hometown! Tack som fan!
Next month we’ll announce the new “St(r)eam City of The Month”! #decadencesweden
“Decadence experiments with speed, rhythms, sharp vocals and technicality. We call it Melodic Thrash Metal.”. Read more about our influences and background in Latin American webzine Chucho Córdoba – Metal To The Bone 👇👇👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

Sixes. Sixes everywhere!
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Unboxing Six Tape! The box in the clip is sold out – thanks guys! 💯📦
#decadencesweden #sixtape

All you need to know for tomorrow!
🎥Lyric videos will be uploaded here:
🎧Streaming will be available on most services. The main ones:
Apple Music:
💿CD will be stocked in the Deca Shop here:
Happy Halloween!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

🎃Halloween Special🎃 A traditional THE CREATURE spin at David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio tomorrow!
Tune in at 👇
on Oct 31, 1PM-4PM.
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #decadencesweden #thecreature

If you want to catch up, here’s what’s been happening in the Decadence camp! The timeline

We want Friday! 🧨 Before the big bang on Nov 1, we’ll sum up all SIX TAPE details for you that’s been revealed so far, stay tuned!
#decadencesweden #sixtape

So we’ve decided to join the cool kids at Instagram at last. Starting tomorrow, stay tuned! #decadencesweden #sixtape

SIX DAYS TO GO 6️⃣ #decadencesweden #sixtape

SIX TAPE: 6 Facts
1. There are riffs on the album that have been waiting for the right moment to be used, since the 3rd Stage of Decay era.
2. Out of all Decadence albums, this one has the longest playing time.
3. Four vocal styles are used, scream, growl, highpitch and a new for Decadence, mid range.
4. With this album number 6, Decadence turns 16 this year.
5. There are references to past songs throughout the album and all songs have double meanings, erotic vs statement/story.
6. One song is a response to a viral event in the Metal industry on the intellectual property question.

On Nov 1, SIX TAPE will be available for free share on Youtube, physical albums for sale in the Deca Shop AND now it’s all prepped for streaming services too. Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, Tidal, Deezer and the list goes on… Here we COME! 💥 #decadencesweden #sixtape

9 days left for 9 new and smoking hot Decadence songs! ⏱ #decadencesweden #sixtape

Radio interview with Metallic Kitty on David Softee Kletzel‘s Metal Meltdown on Metal Messiah Radio aired on Nov 7, 1PM-4PM.
Tune in at 👇👇👇👇
#MetalMessiahRadio #DaveSoftee #MetalMeltdown #metallickitty #decadencesweden #sixtape

All nine lyric videos are DONE! We even put in one word per frame so now you have no reason whatsoever not to follow and SCREAM ALONG! Out in a big bang on Nov 1🎤🎶 #decadencesweden #sixtape

“Red Façade Hotel… The place where dreams dwell…” – Track 3 #decadencesweden #sixtape

Pre-release adrenalin rush, Metallic Kitty style.
#decadencesweden #sixtape
SIX TAPE. Release. Nov 1… 👇
#decadencesweden #sixtape

#decadencesweden #sixtape

“A long time ago, 2011 or so, I was a part of Swedish thrash metal masters Decadence ensemble, people might remember my neon yellow RG550 more than they remember me. Now I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve had the pleasure of putting down a few noodly notes on their upcoming album! They asked for something completely out of the standard Decadence palette and soon you will all be able to hear it in the kinky tune ‘Latex Rituals’.” Kristian Gustavsson
A pleasure to have you onboard on this one, Chris! Here is an old pic of you and Ms Neon together with us on stage 🤘😁
#decadencesweden #sixtape
Remember that time Chris Astley ex-Xentrix replaced Metallic Kitty for a song? 👇👇👇
Here you go, the bonus track ‘Corrosion’ on the Japanese edition of ‘3rd Stage of Decay’!
Don’t miss Xentrix show Jan 2020 at 26th Mangualde Hardmetalfest Official in Portugal!
#decadencesweden #3rdstageofdecay

Mixing – Done! By Teddy Möller
Mastering – As we speak! By Jocke Skog
#decadencesweden #sixtape

SIX TAPE tracklist announcement! 📼
1. Six Tape
2. Latex Rituals
3. Red Façade Hotel
4. Trinity
5. Lo Badland
6. Something More
7. Exposure
8. In Natura
9. Tighter
#decadencesweden #sixtape
A series of meanings behind each song will follow, so questions like: “Who is Lo?”, “What happens at the hotel?” and “What is exposed?” will be answered!

In a couple of hours we will reveal the names of the 9 songs on the upcoming album SIX TAPE… stay tuned! 💿 #decadencesweden #sixtape
Latin American Decaheads – SHARE SHARE SHARE – to make this happen! 👇👇👇 #decadencesweden #sixtape #decadencelive
Santiago Metal Festival2 oktober 2019 ·
soon more information of dates and tour.

New month, new stream report! The city that blasted Decadence most in the world is…
🤘🤘🤘 MEXICO CITY 🤘🤘🤘 Thanks guys! We need a new street team master for Mexico, get in touch if you’re up for it! Next month we’ll announce the new “St(r)eam City of The Month”! #decadencesweden

For those of you that didn’t know… We’re going to fucking kill the beast!! #decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

This post will be in Swedish to honor one of the best printed magazines in Sweden that has reached its end: Close-Up Magazine, mest minnesvärt för oss i Decadence är när ni, efter att vi meddelade om vår comeback, valde att placera en intervju inte bara i mittuppslaget utan även på helsida. Det värmde att få ett sådant fantastiskt välkomnande tillbaka och fick oss att känna oss mycket uppskattade. Stort tack för det fina arbete ni har gjort under åren!

Lyrics often speak hidden stories of moments in life. Seems to be the case for us too. Check out the first and last lines of our albums from before the break in our career and the comeback:
“Unbearable heat is all around me.”
– Discharge / Chargepoint
“Living the high, invincible.”
– The Inner Circle / Undergrounder
“All I ever wanted, for you to be home when I’m gone, and to know you will be here when I come back.”
– Be Home When I’m Gone / Chargepoint
“When darkness sees you shine, look at the sky, light far beyond illusion, that’s what drives me.”
– Always The More Extreme / Undergrounder
My turn for a 72 sec afterwork! /Metallic Kitty #decadencesweden

My little hyena Samson in a worn-out Deca shirt. With some brand new SIX TAPE tunes in the mix. Monday power boost! 👊 /Metallic Kitty #decadencesweden #sixtape

Decadence Street Team France is back! 🇫🇷 Led by the same Street Team Master as all those years ago Marcel Fabio. Join our forces to spread Decadence across France!
Interested to run a team? Let us know!
#decadencesweden #streetteam

Hilarious 😂 Some of you might remember our Street Teams! Share the Deca Fan Pages you know of! We have to gather our forces guys. SIX TAPE is coming and so is booking for live shows! #decadencesweden #sixtape
Today we’d like to honor true underground magazines! One of the few that are actually still printed is The Metal Mag by Marcel Fabio who has shown us support ever since the early days. Issue #30 features both Decadence and our wingmen Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer and studio tech Teddy Möller‘s band Loch Vostok. Do check it out and have a nice read.
#decadencesweden #sixtape

New to Decadence? Here’s your survival kit!
#decadencesweden #starterpack
Found here 👇👇👇
What is a Friday without some SLAYER?! Enjoy the weekend everyone! 🤘 #decadencesweden
“Something was clear to me from the start of my musical career; ownership of own creations belong to the artist.” – Metallic Kitty
I have some thoughts after watching The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast where Mr. James Hetfield of Metallica discuss the music industry. So I wrote a chronicle for you. As seen from the Underground/Independent music perspective. Read it here
Kenneth Lantz bass time!
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

Working on lyric videos for all tracks! Hope you liked them last time because that’s the best I can do, probably. Youtube, here we come! 😅 /Metallic Kitty #decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019
Thrashing out(take) with Metallic Kitty!
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

Studio tech Teddy Möller says we broke somekind of record 🎤🎯🏆 All nine tracks are done, it took 5 hours. Hell yeah! #decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

Today, I shall give you a voice! – Metallic Kitty
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019
Metallic Kitty says practice is over and reveals there will be one extra track on the new album! #decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019
Metallic Kitty says: “One week left!” Here
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019‘
Next week, the vocals for our upcoming album ‘Six Tape’ will be recorded. Until then, watch Metallic Kitty lay down vocals for 2009’s ‘Chargepoint’ album here and prepare for what’s coming!
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

Since ‘Corrosion’ reached streams back in 2006 it became Decadence Sweden‘s most listened to song. That was until 2016 when ‘The Inner Circle’ arrived. In only three years, it took the number one spot at almost 100K streams and counting. Which one is your favorite?
Photo creds to: Anders Plassgard
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019
Kenneth Lantz is killing it! Here
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019

Speaking about the new artwork for our upcoming album “Six Tape”, we would like to honor the artists behind the Decadence artwork through the years. Preparing this for you, we realized, all these designers are women! Making this even more special for us. So, here you go, the background story and words from the artists themselves with comments by Kitty.
#decadencesweden #sixtape# #newalbum2019 #BookUsForShows

Just sayin…!
Thanks Koregore Art for this awesome fan art!
#decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019 #BookUsForShows

Say hello to the Six Tape cover art! Put this on your mind, for fall is coming… #decadencesweden #sixtape #newalbum2019 #BookUsForShows
Message from Lawerence Dinamarca, here.

And we’re done with the drums! Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer did an amazing job as always, also thanks to drum tech Leo Margarit #decadencesweden #sixtape

Meeting up with Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer for his final studio day for Six Tape! #decadencesweden #sixtape

Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer getting closer! #decadencesweden #sixtape #drumrecording

Lawrence Dinamarca – Drummer is blasting it! #decadencesweden #sixtape #drumrecording

PRESS RELEASE, 2019-05-12
Read here